Shesa Jact Up Chic - 2004 AQHA mare
Shesa Jact Up Chic is a 2004 Chestnut AQHA mare. Offered as a two in one package.
Shesa Jact Up Chic is a 2004 AQHA mare. She is an own daughter of Million Dollar Sire, Rowdy Yankee by Smart Chic Olena. Rowdy Yankee info here Smart Chic Olena info here. Great lines to versatile using horses with amateur friendly dispositions.
We are retiring from breeding and would love to find a great home for this lovely lady. She is in foal for 2025 to White Steel. The foal is guaranteed to be Buckskin or Palomino. Great deal on a two in one package.
Rowdy is her name but she is nothing of the sort. She just prefers to get along with everyone. Mellow girl that is on the low end of the pecking order in a group. She finds a friend and bonds, no fight in her. She is easy to catch, loved to be brushed and pampered.
Rowdy is a great mother and enjoys it. She allows you to handle her foals with no worries. She passes on her easy going temperament.
Her Tinker With Guns filly is now in OK and slated to be a reiner. Her White Steel filly is in TN and is going in Trail Classes with her owner. Both have fantastic temperaments that really shine. Her next foal will be exciting to see.
5 Panel N/N
$4000 for 2 in 1 package Located in Bowling Green, KY