Slim Pickins

This horse has stolen my heart. He has the most outgoing, people pleasing attitude. Just a joy to work with. He tries so hard and really engages with you. He loves people.

Slim is a coming five year old Registered KNGHA Buckskin Gelding. 15.1+ and still growing, he has good feet, nice bone and nice substance. Completing our Ultimate Trail Horse Finishing Program.
This beautiful guy is so smart and curious. He learns new things in a snap. He always looks you in the eye to ask questions and tries so hard to please. I adore his personality. Slim is always happy to see you. First one to the gate. He enjoys his lessons and is always eager for more. He learned how to nod yes, in one session, such a fun boy.
Slim is a fantastic trail horse. He is surefooted and trail savvy. He has a forward walk, that cover the ground, a super smooth four beat gait and a relaxed canter. He is not hot or spooky. He will go out in a group solo with no worries and is happy in a group as well. He has logged a lot of miles with rides ranging from one one to seventeen miles in all kinds of terrain. Mud, rocks, steep hills, you name it. He is fit and able to cover the country. He has learned the Clinton Anderson Fundamentals, Intermediate and Advanced combined with lessons influenced with Warwick Schiller training. Slim is a smart and sensitive type, he can ride in a snaffle or no bridle at all. He is easy on the leg, light on the aids. He has a great sidepass and super light neckrein, will turn on his haunches or his forehand, can two track and leg yield or do a nice pivot. He would be a fantastic obstacle challenge horse and would enjoy the challenge or the intricate maneuvers. I can even trail ride him solo at Mammoth Cave with just a rope around his neck. He is such a star!

Slim has been through our extensive desensitizing program. You can ride him with an umbrella or the leafblower, ride with the tarp or across it, comfortable with the chainsaw up close or even the air dancer. You can take him to the woods and use your machete or pony a pack horse. He is good with traffic and ATV’s, even the Harley. We have run across bicycles, backpackers, deer and dogs on the trail with no worries. He is also well versedin the arena. He will take both leads at a canter from a walk, back a circle or a square, gait in circles or straight lines, ride two handed or one. He will do all the ground work and even has done some at liberty. He has given little kids safe rides and made them horse lovers. He wants to be part of your circle. He really is the Ultimate Trail Horse.

Slim deserves a home with someone who can appreciate his outstanding traits. He will make you happy. He is finishing up the Ultimate Trail Horse Program. $35,000 reserve now.


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